Uncommon Fowl Books

rare birdThe mission of Los Angeles Audubon is to advertise the enjoyment and protection of birds and different wildlife via recreation, schooling, conservation and restoration. Lingering migrant species reported throughout the previous week included: AMERICAN KESTREL, GREAT BLUE HERON, FISH CROW, RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET, PINE WARBLER, COMMON YELLOWTHROAT, BLACK-THROATED BLUE WARBLER, PALM WARBLER, CHIPPING SPARROW, SWAMP SPARROW, AREA SPARROW, YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER, HERMIT THRUSH, GRAY CATBIRD, WINTER WREN, and MARSH WREN.

Usually their findings will probably be very helpful in teaching receptive birders (and not simply the one whose report was rejected!) what features to look more carefully at, and what other potentialities to bear in mind when documenting a rare hen.

A SORA continued to be seen in Hampton Marsh, however has not been reported since November thirtieth. sixteen shorebird species had been seen at the complicated this week. Audubon Society of Portland promotes the understanding, enjoyment, and protection of native birds, other wildlife, and their habitats.

Different late-migrant species seen during the previous week included: YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER, RUBY-TOPPED KINGLET, GREY CATBIRD, HERMIT THRUSH, INDIGO BUNTING, BROWN THRASHER, and BROWN-HEADED COWBIRD. Inside the Mission to Save the Uncommon Helmeted Hornbill From Poachers It took months just to get a glimpse of the extremely rare, critically endangered helmeted hornbill.