Based in 2010 by former independent booksellers, Uncommon Fowl is a Los Angeles-based mostly unbiased writer of fifty books a year, specializing in fiction, nonfiction, memoir, entertainment, humor, politics, and current events. Lingering migrant warblers reported during the previous included: BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLERS, NASHVILLE WARBLERS, AMERICAN REDSTARTS, NORTHERN PARULAS, a YELLOW WARBLER, MAGNOLIA WARBLERS, BLACKPOLL WARBLERS, CAPE COULD WARBLERS, BAY-BREASTED WARBLERS, TENNESSEE WARBLERS, a PRAIRIE WARBLER, and a WILSON’S WARBLER.
All widespread Warblers apart from Mourning, Canada and Blackpoll have been reported. WIDESPREAD REDPOLLS, PINE GROSBEAKS, EVENING GROSBEAKS and PINE SISKINS have been reported from scattered areas in the course of the previous week, and sightings seem to be growing in number.
One other nice week for shorebirds. 5 NORTHERN HARRIERS were seen alongside the coast on November 23rd, and 1 was reported from the Keene Airport on the 22nd. Blue-winged, golden-winged, and Brewster’s warblers by Liz Clayton Fuller; chestnut-sided warbler from del Hoyo et al. (2018) Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive ; new hybrid “Burket’s warbler” by Jillian Ditner.
Murtagh and Oakley have seen the chook in the same yard a number of instances this week. I spent 5 years in the discipline, at libraries, seabird conferences, and on the computer researching and writing Uncommon Fowl, which was published in hardback in 2005. A SNOW GOOSE continues to be seen in coastal Rye and was last reported on December 15th.
Lingering migrant sparrow species reported in the course of the previous week included: CHIPPING SPARROW, SWAMP SPARROW, DISCIPLINE SPARROW, SAVANNAH SPARROW, WHITE-TOPPED SPARROW, VESPER SPARROW, and FOX SPARROW. A REDHEAD continues to be seen on Eel Pond in Rye and was last reported on November 4th.