Cats are animals that are often the choice of many people’s pets. His active and adorable behavior makes these animals that are related to tigers and lions so loved. Many studies have revealed that keeping cats can relieve stress on their owners. However, what happens if the cat actually experiences stress?

You as a good employer definitely don’t want your favorite cat to experience prolonged stress. Cat stress can be caused by various things such as change of residence, change of food menu, after traveling far away, the presence of other animals at home, and much more.
Cats can be very sensitive creatures and are often anxious or frustrated with things that are happening around them, or with the way people interact with them.
Pet cats can be very good at hiding signs that they are stressed or in pain. This is the nature of cats, because in the wild looks weak will make it a target that is more easily hunted by predators.
There are a number of stressful cat characteristics that you can see when your cat is in a bad condition. The following are the characteristics of successful stress cats. summarizes from various sources Tuesday
Characteristics of cat stress seen from the physical
1. Diarrhea, constipation, or other digestive problems
This is a situation that can be an indication of some things such as unsuitable food or cats swallowing food that is not supposed to. Stress experienced by cats will affect health and make it susceptible to disease.
It’s best not to leave this condition alone, immediately visit a veterinarian to find out the causes and solutions to this problem.
2. Baldness
Stressed cats will tend to overdo grooming. As a result, many of the feathers fall out even until the cat has baldness on its fur.
3. Nose and watery eyes
Stress in cats can cause cats to get attacked by diseases, such as flu. As a result the nose and eyes will look watery. In addition, his movements will be very limited and easily lethargic and bored.
4. Weight
Sudden decrease or weight gain is one of the characteristics of stressed cats. Like humans affected by stress, cats will also experience weight problems.
The characteristics of cats are stressful from their behavior
1. Urinate carelessly
Cats that urinate outside the litter box usually try to tell their employer something. In addition, stressed cats often spray urine on furniture and other items around the house. Consult with a veterinarian or animal behavior expert to find out what caused it.
2. Not responsive
Stressed cats will be unresponsive to things that happen around them. For example, he did not jump or be surprised by loud sounds or fast movements.
3. Excessive grooming
Cats are known for natural grooming that they do like licking their bodies. But licking themselves in excess and even balding is one of the characteristics of stressed cats.
Usually the cat will do excessive grooming if he is attacked by fleas or other skin diseases. Check your cat’s hair for indications of lice or other diseases, if it’s not clear that your cat is stressed.
4. Scratching and scratching excessively
Like compulsive licking, excessive scratching can be an indication of some health and behavioral problems that indicate stress in cats.
If the cat also scratches furniture such as rugs or cardboard with frequency more often, you also need to be aware that he is exposed to stress.
5. Isolating yourself
Loneliness is the second nature for cats. However, cats that are more often alone can be indicated that he is experiencing stress.