Animal Preservation And Rare Plants And Its Goals

The preservation of animals and plants in general can be done in two ways, namely:
1. In Situ preservation is preservation carried out in the original place of the animal or plant. Examples of in situ conservation are wildlife reserves, protected forests and national parks. Wildlife reserves are areas that protect animals. Protected forests are areas that protect plants. The national park is an area that protects animals and plants

2. Ex situ conservation is preservation carried out outside the original place of residence. This was done because animals and plants lost their original place of residence. In addition, ex situ conservation is carried out as an effort to rehabilitate, breed, and breed rare animals and plants. Examples of ex situ preservation include botanical gardens, such as Safari Parks, zoos and captivity.

In addition to in situ and ex situ preservation, we can also maintain sustainability with the following efforts:
1. Do not hunt animals carelessly
2. Protecting rare animal animals
3. Rare animals are cultivated
4. Look for alternatives to the use of rare animals by creating synthetic substitutes

Whereas to preserve rare plants by means of, among others:
1. Do not cut trees carelessly
2. Doing select cutting means cutting down by choosing the size and age of the plant.
3. Replanting plants that have been used or rejuvenating plants
4. Maintenance of plants correctly

The efforts made by the government to preserve the preservation of rare animals and plants are:
1. An animal sanctuary that is a place to protect certain animals, especially rare animals.
2. Nature reserve As a place of protection and preservation of animals, plants, soil and water
3. Sebgai protected forest where to protect water / water catchment areas because in the forest with
      plants that cover it in the event of rain, the water will be held back and absorbed by the soil
4. Artificial Insemination Artificial insemination is the development of animals
      inject sperm from male animals in female animals (commonly done in animals)
5. Tissue Culture is the proliferation of plants by multiplying growing cells
      (network) becomes a new plant.

The existence of animals and plants is very important for humans to:
1. Learning resources to add valuable knowledge about life.
2. Used as medicine ingredients from animals and plants.
3. Maintain the balance of the environment and the environment
4. Used as consumables, food ingredients and even income sources.
5. Gives a beautiful feeling to this nature.

Some of Indonesia’s endangered animal species are: Orangutans, Komodo, Anoa, Sumatran Tigers, Javan Rhinos, Snake-necked Turtles, Green Turtles, Shark Stingrays, Large Toothed Sawfish, Paradise Birds, Bali Starlings, Caerulen Paradise Birds, Yellow Crested Cockatoo, Maleo Bird.

Some Indonesian plant species are threatened with extinction, namely: Amorphophallus titanum, Raflesia arnoldii, Semar bag, Aquilaria sp., Meranti, Sandalwood.

The objectives of efforts to preserve rare animals and plants are as follows:
1. Maintaining the balance of the ecosystem so that life on earth continues to run well.
2. Preserving biodiversity that is beneficial to science and society.
3. Meeting community needs. For example for building materials, food, and medicine.
4. Creating a comfortable environment and reducing air pollution with the growth of various trees.
5. Can be used as an entertainment place by creating a recreational park or zoo.